2nd Hand Steel
Owner: Dave Hesterman
If you can draw it ... I can make it!

Starting the Blade
After choosing what type of blade you want, this is where it all starts.

Building the Edge
After shaping the blade, its time to start building the edge.
Pre-Heat Treatment Tasks
This is where any handle pin holes or markings on the blade need to be done. Before Heat Treatment.

Heat Treatment Process
Here is just a quick look at the Heat Treatment Process, bringing the steel up to the proper temperature, then a quick quench. I heat it inside a piece of pipe to keep the flame off the edge of the blade, more like an oven.
Finishing the Edge
Now is when you finish the edge and shine things up.

Handle Prep
After edge is finished, wrap the blade in tape to protect both the edge and me. Then fit the handle scales and epoxy them in place.
Sanding & Staining
This part takes time. From rough grinding of the handle to the fine finish you want .

Finished Product
If you shortchanged yourself in any of the pervious steps, this is where you will see it. Take pride in your work and try to make the next one even better.